Explore our extensive database of over 1000 articles incorporating biographies of those who have influenced homeopathy over the years. Compiled by leading homeopathic expert Sue Young, with additional contributions from medical historian Dr Mel Draper. The biographies have been kindly donated by Sue Young and originally appeared on sueyounghistories.com.
Barker, James Ellis (1870 – 1948)
James Ellis Barker Source: Library of Congress James Ellis Barker (9 May 1870 – 16 July 1948) was a German-born, British Jewish homeopath. Born in Cologne, in Germany, he settled in Britain to [...]
Barlee, Hobart John William (1868 – 1948)
Hobart John William Barlee M.D. (13 September 1868 – 25 June 1948) was an Anglo-Irish orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. In 1907, he became a member of the British Homeopathic Society. Hobart Barlee was [...]
Bauer, Adolphus (1806 – 1867)
Adolphus Bauer M.D. (March 1806 - 13 October 1867) Adolphus Bauer was born and educated in Germany. He became a citizen of Cincinnati about 1848. He soon acquired a large practice among the best citizens, [...]
Bauer, William J. (1821 – 1886 )
William J. Bauer (1821 - 6 November 1886 ) was of Quaker parentage and since 1850 had practiced as an homeopath in New York City. William J Bauer of New York city, was born in [...]
Bayard, Edward (1806 – 1889)
Edward Bayard M.D. Image credit: National Library of Medicine Edward Bayard M.D. (5 March 1806 – 28 September 1889) was a lawyer for eighteen years, who converted to become a homeopath, and continued [...]
Beck, Alphonse (1822 -1902)
Alphonse Beck M.D. (9 October 1822 – 6 November 1902) was a Swiss orthodox physician and politician who converted to homeopathy. Alphonse Beck was a colleague of Carl Bojanus, Anton von Hubbenett, Osip Lensky, Karl [...]
Bell, John Crawford (1799 – 1877)
Image Source: Norfolk Churches John Crawford Bell L.S.A. (1799 – 10 July 1877) [no evident relation], was a British orthodox surgeon and apothecary who converted to homeopathy and in 1853 was recorded as [...]
Bell, Thomas Vernon (1824 – 1905)
Thomas Vernon Bell M.D. (1824 – 3 September 1905) was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a member of the British Homeopathic Society, and a member of the Medical Council of the [...]
Bell, William (1804 – 1886)
Image Source: Norfolk Churches William Bell M.D. L.R.C.S. (c. 1803 – 14 December 1886) was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Bell was surgeon to the Queen’s County Militia, Medical Officer to [...]
Benjamin, Alva (1884 – 1975)
Alva Benjamin Source: University of Sydney Alva Benjamin M.B. Ch.B. FFHom (27 March 1884 – 7 February 1975), was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a Physician and Skin [...]
Berridge, Edward William (1844 – 1920)
Edward William Berridge MB, BS (1844 – 13 May 1920) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Berridge trained at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in 1864, and then travelled to America to study at [...]
Bickerdyke, Mary Ann (1817 – 1901)
Mary Ann Bickerdyke (19 July 1817 – 8 November 1901), born Mary Ann Ball in Knox County, Ohio, was a trained herbalist and homeopath and became a noted hospital administrator for the Union during the [...]
Bier, August Karl Gustav (1861 – 1949)
August Karl Gustav Bier (1861 – 1949) was a German surgeon and the pioneer of spinal anaesthesia. Bier was unusual for being very open minded in his support of homeopathy, even though he came across [...]
Black, Francis (1820 – 1883)
Francis Black M.D. (19 January 1820 – 29 May 1883) was a British homeopathic physician. He was a Fellow of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, Treasurer of the Hahnemann Publishing Society, as well as [...]
Blackie, Margery Grace (1898 – 1981)
Margery Grace Blackie CVO, MD, FFHom (4 February 1898 – 24 August 1981)was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy. In 1969 she became the homeopathic physician of Queen Elizabeth II, the first woman ever [...]
Blake, James Dore (1805 – 1874)
James Dore Blake M.D. M.R.C.S. (18 May 1805 – 13 October 1874) MD MRCS became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1847, having attended the School of Medicine in Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury, [...]