Explore our extensive database of over 1000 articles incorporating biographies of those who have influenced homeopathy over the years. Compiled by leading homeopathic expert Sue Young, with additional contributions from medical historian Dr Mel Draper. The biographies have been kindly donated by Sue Young and originally appeared on sueyounghistories.com.
Steward, Susan McKinney (1847 – 1918)
Susan Maria McKinney Steward M.D. (March 1847 – March 17, 1918) was the first African American woman physician in New York state and only the third in the country, qualifying just seven years after the [...]
Stewart, Thomas Fergus (1910 – 1972)
Thomas Fergus Stewart T.D. M.B. Ch.B. F.R.F.P.S. M.R.C.P. F.F.Hom (29 April 1910 – 18 June 1972) was on the Board of Management of the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital, and his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Somerville Stewart M.B. [...]
Stokes, Adrian (1815 – 1885)
Adrian Stokes M.D. (10 December 1815 – 1 January 1885) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Secretary of the Liverpool Branch of the British Homeopathic Society, Physician at the North [...]
Storer, John Hudson (1861 – 1933)
John Hudson Storer (5 December 1861 – 9 May 1933) was a homeopathic ENT Physician and Professor of Ophthalmology, Otology, Laryngology and Rhinology, and Dean of The Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. In 1899 he [...]
Stott, Alicia Boole (1860 – 1940)
Alicia Boole Stott (8 June 1860 – 17 December 1940) was the third daughter of Mary Everest Boole and George Boole and the granddaughter of homeopath Thomas Roupell Everest. Alice is best known for coining [...]
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811 – 1896)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (14 June 1811 - 1 July 1896) was a famous American author who was active in the Cleveland lecture circuit and well known for her support of homeopathy, her abolitionist stance, and [...]
Stuart, Peter (1815 – 1888)
Peter Stuart Image source: The Life of Peter Stuart, the “Ditton Doctor” Peter Stuart J.P. (1815 – 21 September 1888), known as the the “Ditton Doctor,” was a Liverpool shipowner, merchant, and a [...]
Sturm, William (1796 – 1879)
William Sturm (1796 – 1879) was an early pioneer of homeopathy in Cincinnati, practicing in that city from 1839 to 1876. […]
Sutherland, John Stuart (1812 – 1891)
John Stuart Sutherland M.D. L.R.C.S.E. (24 January 1812 – 2 December 1891) was a British orthodox physician and surgeon who converted to homeopathy to become a founding member and Vice President of the Midland Homeopathic [...]
Swan, Samuel (1814 – 1893)
Samuel Swan M.D. (4 July 1814 – 17 October 1893) was an American musician who, after being introduced to homeopathy, subsequently changed careers to become a noted homeopathic medical doctor. Swan was responsible for proving [...]
Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram (1886 – 1975)
Geoffrey Ingram Taylor OM FRS FRSE (7 March 1886 – 27 June 1975) was a physicist, mathematician and expert on fluid dynamics and wave theory. He has been described as “one of the greatest physical [...]
Templeton, William Lees (1896 – 1969)
William Lees Templeton M.D. (19 November 1896 – 28 January 1969) MD Glasgow was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Dean of The Faculty of Homeopathy and Director of Provings at [...]
Tessier, Jean Paul (1811 – 1862)
Jean Paul Tessier M.D. (1 April 1811 – 16 May 1862) was a French orthodox physician who practiced in Turin and in Paris, who converted to homeopathy, and became the publisher of Etudes de Medicine [...]
Thomas, Edward Wynne (1830 – 1893)
Edward Wynne Thomas M.D. M.R.C.S. (20 November 1830 – 26 July 1893) MRCS England 1857, MB University of London 1858 Gold Medalist, LSA London 1858, was a British orthodox physician, Surgeon at the South Stafford [...]
Thompson, Charles (1833 – 1896)
Charles Thompson Source: The Life of Francis Thompson Charles Thompson M.R.C.S. L.S.A. (1824 – 9 April 1896) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become House Surgeon at the Manchester [...]
Thorer, Samuel Timotheus (1795 – 1846)
Samuel Timotheus Thorer (25 April 1795 – 25 June 1846) was a student at the University of Leipzig, and obtained his medical degree in Berlin. Thorer was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Thorer [...]