
Explore our extensive database of over 1000 articles incorporating biographies of those who have influenced homeopathy over the years. Compiled by leading homeopathic expert Sue Young, with additional contributions from medical historian Dr Mel Draper. The biographies have been kindly donated by Sue Young and originally appeared on

Woods, Harold Fergie (1883 – 1961)

Harold Fergie Woods L.R.C.P. M.R.C.S. (11 October 1883 – 15 January 1961) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Consultant for Diseases of Children at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. Woods [...]

Wright, Dudley d’Auvergne (1867 – 1948)

Dudley D’Auvergne Wright Image source: Peter Morrell Dudley d’Auvergne Wright Chevallier of the Legion of Honour F.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. (11 February 1867 – 22 January 1948) was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy [...]

Wright, Martha Coffin Pelham (1806 – 1875)

Martha Coffin (Pelham) Wright (25 December 1806 – 4 January 1875), President of the National Woman Suffrage Association was, like many of her peers, a vocal proponent of improved health care and human rights. Wright [...]

Wyld, George (1821 – 1906)

George Wyld  M.D. (17 March 1821 – 24 June 1906) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy in 1851 after he was treated homeopathically by Dr. Robert Ellis Dudgeon for nervous tension brought on [...]

Yeldham, Stephen (1810 – 1895)

Stephen Yeldham M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. L.A.C. (1810 – 10 August 1895) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy, to become Consulting Surgeon to the London Homeopathic Hospital. Yeldham was formerly Surgeon to the Royal [...]

Zakrzewska, Marie Elizabeth (1829 – 1902)

Marie Zakrzewska (6 September 1829 – 12 May 1902) was a German born physician of Polish descent who made her name as a pioneering female doctor in the United States. Zakrzewska confessed to Elizabeth Blackwell [...]

Zaren, Ananda (1946 – 2008)

Ananda Zaren Source: Ananda Zaren (23 January 1946 – 20 September 2008) was an internationally renowned American homeopathic practitioner, author and teacher. Ananda Zaren practiced in Santa Barbara, California at her Family [...]

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