Explore our extensive database of over 1000 articles incorporating biographies of those who have influenced homeopathy over the years. Compiled by leading homeopathic expert Sue Young, with additional contributions from medical historian Dr Mel Draper. The biographies have been kindly donated by Sue Young and originally appeared on sueyounghistories.com.
Foubister, Donald McDonald (1902 – 1988)
Donald McDonald Foubister M.B. Ch.B. BSc F.F.Hom. (31 October 1902 – 31 January 1988) was Physician and Consultant Paediatrician at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and at the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. In 1948, [...]
Fourier, François Marie Charles, (1772 – 1837)
Charles Fourier, unknown artist, 19th century. Image source: North Carolina Museum of Art François Marie Charles Fourier (7 April 1772 – 10 October 1837) was an influential French socialist philosopher, who is credited [...]
Fraser, Evan John Murray McGregor (1826 – 1906)
Alderman Evan Fraser L.R.C.S. L.M. (1826 – 8 April 1906) was a Scottish-born orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become surgeon and later the Senior Medical Officer at the Hull Homeopathic Dispensary. Fraser’s colleagues [...]
Freytag, John Eberhard (1764 – 1846)
John Bernard Eberhard Freytag (Freitag) M.D. (20 April 1764 – 14 March 1846) was a pioneer homeopath and pharmacist from the very early days of American homeopathy, practicing in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. In 1834 he became [...]
Fuller, Solomon Carter (1872 – 1953)
Solomon Carter Fuller, M.D. (1 August 1872 – 16 January 1953) was a Liberian neurologist, psychiatrist and professor who was educated at the Homeopathic Boston University Medical College. Fuller spent much of his career working [...]
Gachet, Paul Ferdinand (1828 – 1909)
Vincent van Gogh, Man with a Pipe (Portrait of Dr. Paul Gachet, 15 May 1890). Image credit: Philadelphia Museum of Art Paul Ferdinand Gachet M.D. (30 July 1828 – 9 January 1909) was [...]
Gage, Matilda Electa Joslyn (1826 – 1898)
Matilda Electa Joslyn Gage (24 March 1826 – 18 March 1898) ‘… was a suffragist, a Native American activist, an abolitionist, a freethinker, and a prolific author, who was “born with a hatred of oppression” Gage’s [...]
Galloway, John Mason (1826 – 1901)
John Mason Galloway M.D. (11 June 1826 – 3 April 1901) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become House Surgeon at the Manchester Homeopathic Hospital, Surgeon at the Birmingham Homeopathic Hospital, [...]
Garfield, James A. (1831 – 1881)
James A Garfield (1831 – 1881), twentieth President of the United States, was surrounded by support from homeopaths and he was an advocate of homeopathy all his life. Garfield’s first cousin Silas A. Boynton was [...]
Gelston, James John Patterson (1824 – 1863)
James John Patterson Gelston (1824 – 14 April 1863) was a British orthodox physician and surgeon who converted to homeopathy to become Assistant House Surgeon at the Liverpool Homeopathic Dispensary. His colleagues included Matthew James [...]
Gillow, William Austin (1826 – 1899)
William Austin Gillow M.R.C.S. (7 May 1826 – 16 March 1899) was a British orthodox surgeon who converted to homeopathy. Gillow was a Member of The Hahnemann Publishing Society, Medical Officer at the Bristol and [...]
Ginestet, Charles Adolphe (1807 – 1884)
Charles Adolphe Ginestet (also, Ginestel/Ginester) M.D. (5 November 1807 – 17 May 1884) was a French homeopathic physician, author, journalist and socialist politician during the Second Republic. He was outlawed in exile in Jersey following [...]
Gladstone, William Ewart (1809 – 1898)
William Ewart Gladstone Image Source: wikimedia.org William Ewart Gladstone FRS FSS (29 December 1809 – 19 May 1898) was a British Liberal Politician, statesman and Prime Minister. Gladstone was a patient of homeopaths [...]
Glas, Norbert (1897 – 1986)
Norbert Glas (28 January 1897 – 30 March 1986) A F Hom M.D. Vienna, LRCP London, MRCS Eng. was an Austrian Jewish physician who fled Nazi Germany to find refuge in Britain in the 1930s. [...]
Glover, Joseph (c. 1813 – 1866)
Joseph Glover (c.1813 – 25 July 1866) was an engineer and manufacturer of mathematical instruments, residing at 3 Harrington Square, London, who was an active supporter of homeopathy in mid-nineteenth century England. Glover was a [...]
Gordon, Stephen J. (1949 – 2017)
Stephen J. Gordon MCH RSHom FSHom (13 September 1949 – 8 July 2017) was a British homeopath who served as a board member of the Society of Homeopaths for nineteen years. During that time he [...]