Explore our extensive database of over 1000 articles incorporating biographies of those who have influenced homeopathy over the years. Compiled by leading homeopathic expert Sue Young, with additional contributions from medical historian Dr Mel Draper. The biographies have been kindly donated by Sue Young and originally appeared on sueyounghistories.com.
Grant, Ulysses Simpson (1822 – 1885)
Ulysses Simpson Grant (27 April 1822 – 23 July 1885) was an American general who became the 18th President of the United States (1869 – 1877) following his success as military commander in the American [...]
Gregg, Samuel (1799 – 1872)
Samuel Gregg Image Source: Rob Gregg Samuel Gregg M.D. (1 July 1799 - 25 October 1872) was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy to become the pioneer of homeopathy in New England. [...]
Grindrod, Ralph Barnes (1811 – 1883)
Ralph Barnes Grindrod LSA MD 1831 (19 May 1811 – 18 November 1883), was a British orthodox physician who, though proclaiming his absolute antagonism towards homeopathy, nevertheless worked alongside the homeopaths in the Malvern Hydrotherapy [...]
Gutteridge, Richard Sandon (1829 – 1899)
Richard Sandon Gutteridge M.D. (25 March 1829 – 1899) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Physician at the Leicester Homeopathic Dispensary, 2 East Street, and a Member of the Northern [...]
Gwynn, William (1831 – 1869)
William Gwynn L.R.C.S. (Irel) [1854], M.B. (Dublin) [1857] (1831 – 11 August 1869), was an Anglo-Irish orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become House Surgeon at the Liverpool Homeopathic Dispensary and Consulting Physician at [...]
Haehl, Richard M. (1873 – 1932)
Richard Haehl M.D. (15 December 1873 – 7 February 1932), a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, traveled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia. He [...]
Hahnemann, Mélanie (1800 – 1878)
Marie Mélanie d’Hervilly Gohier Hahnemann (2 February 1800 – 27 May 1878) was a French homeopathic physician and the first qualified medical woman in the world. In January 1835, Mélanie married Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the [...]
Hale, Robert Douglas (1816 – 1887)
Robert Douglas Hale M.D. M.R.C.S. L.S.A. (26 June 1816 – 2 November 1887) was a British orthodox physician, member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, who converted to homeopathy to become a Physician at [...]
Handley, Rima (1943 – 2017)
Rima Handley Source: Lady Margaret Hall Brown Book 2017 Rima Handley D.Phil FSHom. (1943 – 13 January 2017) was a literary scholar, poet, and historian who later became a practicing homeopath in the [...]
Hands, Joseph (1804 – 1886)
Joseph Hands MRCS [1831] LSA [1830] (1804 – 17 April 1886) was a British orthodox surgeon who converted to homeopathy, to become a member of the Medical Council of the Hahnemann Hospital at 39 Bloomsbury [...]
Hanson, Charles Sydney (1819 – 1864)
Charles Sydney Hanson M.D. (31 January 1819 – 25 November 1864) was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a House Physician at the Hahnemann Hospital and the London Homeopathic Hospital, physician at [...]
Harper, James Peddie (1826 – 1911)
James Peddie Harper M.D. L.R.C.S. (8 February 1826 – 19 December 1911) was a British orthodox physician, Physician at the Fever and Casualty Hospital in Leith, Surgeon to the Edinburgh Artilery Regimental Militia, House Surgeon [...]
Harris, Henry Arthur Clifton (1873 – 1946)
Henry Arthur Clifton Harris (1873 - 1946) MRCS, LRPC was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Medical Officer at the London Homeopathic Hospital. Clifton Harris was a member of The British Homeopathic [...]
Hartung, Christophe (1779 – 1853)
Christophe Hartung 1779 – 1853 was an Austrian orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a student of Samuel Hahnemann. Christophe Hartung is famous for the cure of a cancerous tumour in the eye [...]
Haubold, Carl (1796 – 1862)
Carl Haubold (1796 – 8 June 1862) was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Carl Haubold was one of the earliest students of Samuel Hahnemann in Leipsig. Carl Haubold was a member of [...]
Hawthorn, Elizabeth Sharp (1918 – 1972)
Elizabeth (Betty) Sharp Hawthorn R.G.N., S.C.M., M.T.D., Nursing Administration Certificate (Hospital) Edinburgh (15 November 1918 – 18 June 1972), was the Matron of the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital. She was one of sixteen homeopaths who died [...]