Black velvet smoking cap

Black velvet smoking cap, with flower embroidery and a tassel. Franz Hartmann, a faithful student and intimate friend of Hahnemann, who took part in early proving, wrote: How grateful to him was the leisure he [...]

Black velvet smoking cap2023-03-17T10:34:21+00:00

Green silk smoking cap

Green silk smoking cap, embroidered with a leaf design. Provenance: Dr R Haehl, the collection of Mazzini Stuart

Green silk smoking cap2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Bronze relief of Hahnemann, and lock of hair

Wooden plaque set with a bronze relief portraying Hahnemann's head and a small glass oval below containing a lock of hair and a handwritten note from Mélanie and Samuel sent to their friend, Rev Thomas [...]

Bronze relief of Hahnemann, and lock of hair2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Beer glass

Beer glass etched with the name of a German brewery, Lauchstädter Brunnen, in Hahnemann's father's home town; it is also marked with the measure, 150G.

Beer glass2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Large wooden case

Large wooden (mahogany ?) case with metal inlay.  Unable to be opened as it is locked and there is no key.  There is an accompanying note describing the contents and stating that they were prepared [...]

Large wooden case2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Pipe bowl and shank

Bowl and shank of pipe, carved from horn, with painted pattern. Provenance: Dr R Haehl, the collection of Mazzini Stuart

Pipe bowl and shank2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00


Wedgwood bone china saucer, Sandon pattern; gold-edged, decorated with images of butterflies and flowers. Marked on underside: WEDGWOOD / BONE CHINA / MADE IN ENGLAND



Wedgwood bone china teacup, Sandon pattern; gold-edged, decorated with images of butterflies and flowers. Marked on base: WEDGWOOD / BONE CHINA / MADE IN ENGLAND / "SANDON" W.D. 4010


Tea plate

Wedgwood bone china tea plate, Sandon pattern; gold-edged, decorated with images of butterflies and flowers. Marked on underside: WEDGWOOD / BONE CHINA / MADE IN ENGLAND

Tea plate2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Leather case containing leather card case and visiting cards

Black leather case, containing a leather card case with metal clasp and a pencil, 2 visiting cards inscribed Samuel Hahnemann and Rue de Milan and Rue de Clichy, and 4 small folded papers for homeopathic powders. [...]

Leather case containing leather card case and visiting cards2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Commemorative plate

White ceramic plate with a design in gold leaf round the border and a painted inscription in Latin in centre. The inscription states that it was presented to Hahnemann on the occasion of his 75th [...]

Commemorative plate2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Presentation cut crystal cup with lid

Decorated presentation cut crystal cup with lid; etched with Hahnemann's face and inscribed, zum 10 April 1832 Von Dr. Uttomur. This is likely to have been a 78th birthday gift to Hahnemann from Dr Attomyr. [...]

Presentation cut crystal cup with lid2021-08-18T12:00:00+00:00

Leather case

Leather travelling case, with metal clasps, for glass cup and lid presented to Hahnemann by Dr Attomyr (see previous entry). Labelled: Medical Cup used by Samuel Hahnemann Provenance: Dr R Haehl, the collection of Mazzini Stuart

Leather case2022-10-06T21:25:38+00:00

Small paper box containing a lock of Hahnemann’s hair

Small round pink paper box containing a lock of Hahnemann's hair.  The handwritten inscription on the lid states, in French, that this was given to Mr Peter Stuart by Sophie von Boenninghausen, Mélanie Hahnemann's adopted [...]

Small paper box containing a lock of Hahnemann’s hair2021-08-18T12:00:01+00:00

Small paper box

Small card/paper box, empty but lined with cotton wool; a gift from Mélanie Hahnemann to the wife of Rev Thomas Everest. Handwritten, in French, on lid:  A sa / bonne Amie / Madame Everest / [...]

Small paper box2021-08-18T12:00:01+00:00

Amethyst ring

Small box containing a gold-mounted amethyst ring, engraved with a portrait of Hahnemann. After Hahnemann's death, Mélanie gave his ring to Dr Thomas Skinner.  It later came into the possession of a Dutch noble family; [...]

Amethyst ring2021-08-18T12:00:01+00:00

Souvenir notebook with pencil and locks of hair

Small souvenir notebook in tooled gold-coloured leather, with a metal binding, pencil, notepad and 4 loosely folded papers containing locks of hair, most probably Hahnemann's.

Souvenir notebook with pencil and locks of hair2021-08-18T12:00:01+00:00

British Homeopathic Associations and Journals

There have been many British Homeopathic Societies and Associations, and many British homeopathic journals in the past, ancestors to our present day organisations. The following is a work in progress, listing them all. In 1847, [...]

British Homeopathic Associations and Journals2024-07-17T03:53:54+00:00
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