Medical kit in metal case
Silver-coloured metal case containing 9 pieces of medical equipment: scissors, scalpel, tweezers, hypodermic needles etc. Stamp on inside of lid: MED SUPPLY LONDON S
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Silver-coloured metal case containing 9 pieces of medical equipment: scissors, scalpel, tweezers, hypodermic needles etc. Stamp on inside of lid: MED SUPPLY LONDON S
Black leather travelling case with metal clasp, case containing glass vials with cork stoppers, all held in numbered sleeves; 93 vials contain remedies, 17 are empty and there are 100 empty sleeves. Â
Cardboard box containing 9 assorted glass vials and bottles. Handwritten label on lid: NOSODES Printed label below: Supplied by / Ainsworth's Homeopathic Pharmacy / 38 New Cavendish Street / London W.1 (Tel. 01 935 5330) [...]
Lockable wooden box (key missing) with brass fittings; top compartment and 2 drawers (these are unable to be opened); contains 48 assorted glass bottles and vials, and 2 loose pills. Inscription on velvet lining in [...]
Wooden case, covered in black leather (deteriorating);Â containing 290 glass vials (one is of a different style) and a spoon; there are 31 empty compartments. Inscribed in lid: G CLAYTON / HOMÅ’OPATHIC CHEMIST / 315 / [...]
Wooden case, with brass corners and lock (key missing), containing 170 glass vials, with cork stoppers; 23 empty compartments. In gold lettering on velvet lining inside lid:  W HEADLAND / Homœopathic Chemist / 15 Princes [...]
Black leather travelling case with metal clasp, containing 100 glass vials with cork stoppers; many of these still contain homeopathic pillules. Â Also a concertina pocket containing 3 squares of paper, one of which is folded [...]
Patterned wooden box containing 66 glass vials with cork stoppers. (The box has been lockable but the lock is now broken.) Inscribed inside lid: 'HOMÅ’OPATHIC PHARMACY / BY / JOHN WALKER / 61 CONDUIT ST [...]
Black leather case with metal clasps, containing 34 labelled glass cylinders, tapered at each end. Four of the vials are broken open at one end; there are 2 loose pieces of wood inside the case. [...]
Lockable wooden box (key is missing) containing 24 small glass bottles with cork stoppers. Inside the lid: E. WHEELER / HOMÅ’OPATHIC CHEMIST / CLIFTON & BRISTOL
Black leather bi-fold travelling case containing 56 glass vials with cork stoppers; two are missing and at least one is smashed at the end. Case labelled on the inside: Toursse gabriel lesourd No. 1 temoins [...]
Small silver-coloured rectangular tin, containing 12 hypodermic needles. Stamped on lid: ORIGINAL RECORD
Brown leather insert for travelling case, with sleeves for vials. Inscribed: A. Nelson and Co. ltd. London.
Small glass bottle, with sealed cork Labelled: LONDON HOMÅ’OPATHIC / LABORATORIES LTD And at bottom of label:Â "RIVERSLEIGH" / HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS Typed in between: PIPER NIG.6
Glass vial, with cork stopper Labels:  1.  Natrum Muriaticum, 6 2.   G. CLAYTON / ? late W. Headland's / HOMŒOPATHIC CHEMIST / 315, Regent Street / LONDON, W. / Near the Polytechnic.
Glass vial, with cork stopper Labelled: Viola Odorata, 6
Glass vial containing pillules Labelled: Sulphuris Acidum.12
Small glass vial with cork stopper; containing pillules Labelled: Sulphuris tinctura.12
Glass vial with cork stopper; containing an ampoule and white powder Labelled: Méningococcus
Glass ampoule, containing a clear liquid.
Lockable wooden box with brass lock (key missing); with 24 compartments containing 22 glass bottles (one green, the rest clear glass); two have cork stoppers, the others glass; 2 compartments are empty. Inside the lid: [...]
Black and green leather case, containing 2 stoppered glass bottles.
3 small cardboard boxes, containing brown glass vials 2 small cardboard boxes, containing brown glass vials and cork stoppers 1 slightly larger cardboard box, containing cork stoppers
Skinner's Centesimal Fluxion Potentiser, 1878; designed to be used over a sink, with water from a tap providing the motive power through the wheel. Note: Boericke & Tafel installed a version of Skinner's machine in [...]
Black leather case with carrying handle, containing 195 glass vials with cork stoppers; all individually labelled; there are 5 empty compartments. On outside of lid: Maison de la Radiesthesie / 16 Rue Saint Roche 16 [...]
Black, leather travelling case with metal clasp; contains 18 glass vials with cork stoppers; 15 are labelled and contain either pillules or tablets; 3 are empty
Polished black wooden box; lid has inlaid brass borders and scrolled brass inlay in the centre around the name 'Hahnemannia'; contains 153 glass vials with cork stoppers; 8 compartments are empty.
Black leather case with metal clasp; contains glass vials with cork stoppers; 8 are labelled and contain pillules, 3 are empty, and there is 1 empty space; handwritten note on inside of lid has list [...]
Small green leather case; lid lined with green silk; contains 32 glass vials with cork stoppers.
Black leather case, containing 12 glass vials with cork stoppers; vials labelled with individual Schuessler Salts Label: By appointment chemists to the late King George VI, / A. NELSON & Co. LTD. / HOMÅ’OPATHIC PHARMACY [...]
Small black leather case containing glass vials with cork stoppers and one spoon; vials contain pillules and are individually labelled - Chamomilla, Ipecacuanha, ?, Lycopodium, ?, Pulsatilla. Case marked: TURNER / HOMÅ’OPATHIC CHEMIST / PICCADILLY [...]
Small green leather-covered case containing 28 glass vials with cork stoppers; the abbreviated remedy name is printed on the corks.
Small leather case with two tiers of trays, each containing 13 glass vials with cork stoppers; one vial is cracked; vials contain pillules and have indications for use on decorative patterned labels. Marked on inside [...]
Small polished wooden box with brass hook; containing 46 numbered glass vials with cork stoppers and 2 loose vials in space at side. Engraved inside lid: Similia Similibus
Small leather case, lid lined with red silk; with two tiers of trays each containing 30 glass vials, and one side compartment with 8 glass vials, all with with cork stoppers; vials individually labelled and [...]
Leather box containing 66 glass vials with cork stoppers; stoppers marked with abbreviated remedy name and potency of contents. Mark on the inside of the (battered) lid: W. HEADLAND / HOMÅ’OPATHIC CHEMIST / 15 PRINCES [...]
Small leather case containing small spoon and 24 glass vials with cork stoppers; vials contain pillules and are individually labelled. Inside lid marked: W.HEADLAND / HOMÅ’OPATHIC CHEMIST / 15. PRINCES ST / HANOVER SQUARE
Small black leather case with gold border on lid; contains 6 labelled glass vials. Labelled: Presented to Col. M.C. Barraclough, / Secretary to the Faculty of Homeopathy by / Monsieur Boivon at Lyon, 31 May [...]
Small leather case containing 12 glass vials with cork stoppers; spoon is missing; vials are individually labelled. Inside of lid marked: LEATH & CO / CHEMISTS BY APPOINTMENT / TO THE / LONDON HOMÅ’OPATHIC HOSPITAL [...]
Small brown leather case, possibly containing other items.
Small leather case, containing 24 glass vials with cork stoppers; spoon is missing; vials are individually labelled and some contain a few pillules. Stamped on outside of lid, in a triangle and starburst design: SIMILIA [...]
Small green leather case, decorated with ornate gold border on lid and internal gold trim; contains 60 glass vials with cork stoppers.
Small leather case, containing 6 glass vials with cork stoppers; vials individually labelled. Stamped in lid: JAMES LEATH / 9. VERE STREET / Â and / 5. ST PAUL'S CHURCHYARD
Lockable walnut medicine chest with brass inlay; key present; top of case contains 91 glass vials, 4 with broken corks, 1 empty space); 4 other items in pockets inside lid; drawer below contains 22 items [...]
Lockable crocodile and wood medicine case with carrying handle; key present; containing 1000 glass vials, with cork stoppers; stoppers stamped with abbreviated remedy name and potency. Note: donated by Dr C.D.G Johnson
Wooden possibly mahogany medicine box with 'James Epps, Homeopathic Chemist, 170 Piccadilly, 124 Great Russell St. & 48 Threadneedle St. London' marked on inside of box lid, containing 120 corked glass medicine bottles (labelled)
Contemporary blue leather travelling case with handle and metal clasps; contains metal clips for 100 vials (1 missing); 99 blue or white plastic twist-top vials, all individually labelled; plus compartment containing four small boxes and [...]