Lawrence, Joseph (1808 – 1900)

Joseph Lawrence M.R.C.S. L.S.A. (January 1808 – 30 January 1900), was an orthodox surgeon who converted to homeopathy. He served as president of the Midland Homoeopathic Society and was a founder and consulting surgeon at [...]

Lawrence, Joseph (1808 – 1900)2023-04-07T20:52:01+00:00

Lord, William Charles (1823 – 1874)

Logo, 5th Royal Irish Lancers Source: William Charles Lord F.R.P.S. M.R.C.V.S. (1823 – 1874) was an Irish-born orthodox veterinary surgeon who converted to homeopathy to become the first practitioner of homeopathy in [...]

Lord, William Charles (1823 – 1874)2024-08-31T21:38:18+00:00

Lyschinski, Adam (1805 – 1893)

Adam Lyschinski (Lyschinske/Lynchinski/Lyszczynski/Lyschinsky) M.D. L.R.C.S. (c. 1805 – 12 March 1893) was a Polish immigrant to Britain, an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a Physician at the Edinburgh Homeopathic Dispensary at 5 [...]

Lyschinski, Adam (1805 – 1893)2023-11-09T02:50:36+00:00

Lutze, Arthur Ernst (1813 – 1870)

 Arthur Ernst Lutze M.D. (1 June 1813 – 11 April 1870) was a German lay practitioner who practiced for many years as a mesmerist and homeopath before becoming an orthodox physician. Arthur Lutze founded a [...]

Lutze, Arthur Ernst (1813 – 1870)2024-10-12T02:57:12+00:00

Leeser, Otto (1888 – 1964)

Otto Leeser Ph.D. M.D. (1888 – 1964) MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland. Leeser [...]

Leeser, Otto (1888 – 1964)2024-10-12T17:03:11+00:00

Ledermann, Erich Kurt (1908 – 2005)

Erich Kurt Ledermann Source: Peter Lurie Erich Kurt Ledermann M.D. M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. FFHom (16 May 1908 – 7 May 2005) was a German-born homeopath who fled from Nazi Germany in 1932, to become [...]

Ledermann, Erich Kurt (1908 – 2005)2024-08-28T03:52:47+00:00

Lewin, Octavia Margaret Sophia (1869 – 1955)

Octavia Margaret Sophia Lewin Source: National Portrait Gallery Octavia Margaret Sophia Lewin M.B. B.S. (London) 1896, M.D. (Chicago) (2 February 1869 – 27 December 1955) was a Registrar and Assistant Physician at the [...]

Lewin, Octavia Margaret Sophia (1869 – 1955)2024-07-04T04:25:31+00:00

Lux, Johann Joseph Wilhelm (1776 – 1849)

Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux M.D. (6 April 1776 – 29 January 1849), was a German veterinary surgeon at the University of Leipzig who converted to homeopathy. Lux was a member of the Homoeopathischer Centralverein. Lux [...]

Lux, Johann Joseph Wilhelm (1776 – 1849)2022-10-07T10:50:16+00:00

Laurie, Joseph (1814 – 1865)

Joseph Laurie M.D. (13 June 1814 – 10 December 1865) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh), graduate of the Homeopathic Medical College of [...]

Laurie, Joseph (1814 – 1865)2024-12-10T04:38:34+00:00

Leadam, Thomas Robinson (1809 – 1881)

Thomas Robinson Leadam M.D. M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. (22 November 1809 – 5 September 1881) MD Cleveland 1853 MRSC Eng 1853 LRCP Edin. was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Surgeon to St. [...]

Leadam, Thomas Robinson (1809 – 1881)2024-10-12T23:09:52+00:00

Luther, Charles William (1810 – 1876)

Charles William Luther (Carl/Karl/Karrol Wilhelm) (26 September 1810 – 5 October 1876) was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy and, in 1838, he was one of the first people to introduce homeopathy to [...]

Luther, Charles William (1810 – 1876)2024-08-31T21:58:56+00:00

Lippe, Adolph (1812 – 1888)

Adolph Graf zur Lippe Biesterfeld Weissenfeld M.D. (11 May 1812 – 23 January 1888) was a singular homeopath and one of the first graduates of homeopathy in America. Lippe taught alongside Constantine Hering at the [...]

Lippe, Adolph (1812 – 1888)2024-12-24T22:41:01+00:00

Lincoln, Abraham (1809 – 1865)

Abraham Lincoln (12 February 1809 – 15 April 1865) was a lawyer, politician, abolitionist, and the 16th President of the United States, in office from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. Although born into poverty [...]

Lincoln, Abraham (1809 – 1865)2023-12-20T18:46:05+00:00
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