Lilian Maud Cunard Cummins
Source: John Clifton Harris

Lillian Maude Cunard Cummins (Harris), L.R.C.P. Ireland, L.R.C.S. Ireland, (1872 – 1954), eldest daughter of William Alves Cummins, was a homeopathic physician.

Cummins arrived at the Tunbridge Wells Homeopathic hospital in 1900, after serving a term as assistant medical officer at the Lawn Hospital in Lincoln.

In 1900 Cummins was elected a member of the British Homeopathic Society.

In 1896 Cummins married a fellow homeopath, Henry Arthur Clifton Harris, himself the son of a former President of the Homeopathic Congress and Liberal Party leader for Brixton, Henry Harris. Commenting on the Harris-Cummins union in November 1903, the Monthly Homoeopathic Review explained that while it was not usually its custom to “notice weddings, or what our American colleagues call personals,” but on this occasion an exception could be made, for “a wedding where the bride and bridegroom are both in the medical profession and both homeopaths, is too uncommon an event to pass by without special notice.”

In February 1904 “Dr. L. Cummins Harris” was listed as honorary secretary and treasurer of the Bloomsbury branch of the London Homeopathic Hospital Ladies Guild (established 1901).

After marrying Harris, the couple moved to Brighton. Cummins abandoned her medical career at that point.