Samuel Gregg
Image Source: Rob Gregg

Samuel Gregg M.D. (1 July 1799 – 25 October 1872) was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy to become the pioneer of homeopathy in New England.

Samuel Gregg was born in New Boston, New Hampshire in 1799. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1825, and studied medicine with Dr. Dalton. He went on to establish a practice in Medford, Massachusetts.

Gregg discovered homeopathy through Thatcher Magoun on whose advice he consulted homeopath Federal Vanderburgh for his daughter who was very ill with consumption. Though his daughter subsequently died, Gregg was so impressed with the relief given by homeopathy, he adopted homeopathy in 1838. His practice flourished as a result.

Gregg married Ruth Wadsworth Richards (1802 – 1853) and they had nine children. He married a second time, in 1853, Sophronia Carter Hills (1807 – 1878).

Moving to Boston, Samuel Gregg practiced there with Herbert Codman Clapp. He became one of the founders of the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1844, and of the Massachusetts Homeopathic Society in 1854. Gregg also helped to found the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital in 1855. Samuel Gregg proposed that homeopaths begin scientific research into homeopathy by using themselves as guinea pigs.

Samuel Gregg contributed papers to the Transactions of the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York.

Gregg’s importance in the establishment of homeopathy in the state of Massachusetts was clearly presented in a paper by Dr. E. U. Jones on “The Early History of Homeopathy in Massachusetts.”

Samuel Gregg died at Amherst on 25 October 1872. He was buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachussetts.

Of Interest:

Samuel Gregg’s daughter Anna married Joseph Howard (1833 – 1908), four times President of the New York Press Club.

An Illustrated Repertory of Pains in Chest, Sides and Back Rollon Robinson GreggRollin Robinson Gregg M.D. (19 August 1828 – 4 August 1886) wrote An Illustrated Repertory of Pains in Chest, Sides and Back in 1879, Consumption: Its Cause and Nature with Henry Clay Allen in 1889, and Synopsis of a Forthcoming Work Upon Consumption and Its Numerous Kindred. In 1862, Rollin R. Gregg, MD, began his practice in Buffalo. He was Editor and Proprietor of the Homeopathic Quarterly.


Homœopathic Hospital, PittsburghEdward Rollin Gregg M.D. (3 March 1870 – 25 June 1913), son of Rollin Robinson Gregg M.D., of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1870, and was educated for the practice of medicine at Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia, from which institution he received the degree of M. D. with the class of 1892.

He supplemented his professional training by taking a post-graduate course at the University of Berlin, Germany, in 1894-1895.

In 1899 – 1900 was Health Officer of Nome, Alaska, and acting United States Health Officer of the Port of Nome in 1900. He was Surgeon on the staff of the Homœopathic Hospital, Pittsburgh, and Secretary of the Medical Board of that institution; Surgeon for Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company, and Lecturer on Surgery to the Pittsburgh Training School for Nurses.

Dr. Gregg is a member of the American Institute of Homœopathy, the Homœopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, the Homœopathic Medical Society of Allegheny County, the Pathological Club of Pittsburgh, the East End Doctors’ Club, and honorary member of the Carroll Dunham Medical Society of Chicago.

John Adams Tarbell dedicated his book Homoeopathy Simplified, published by Otis Clapp, in honour of his conversion to homeopathy.