Elizabeth (Betty) Sharp Hawthorn R.G.N., S.C.M., M.T.D., Nursing Administration Certificate (Hospital) Edinburgh (15 November 1918 – 18 June 1972), was the Matron of the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital. She was one of sixteen homeopaths who died in the Staines Trident air disaster in June, 1972.

Homeopaths and homeopathic supporters including Isabel Campbell, Dudley Wooton Everitt, Marjorie Golomb, Sergei William Kadleigh, sisters Kawther Theresa Kandalla and Ludi Marylone Kandalla, Joan Mackover, John Robertson Raeside, Mary Young McArthur Stevenson, Elizabeth Somerville Stewart and Thomas Fergus Stewart, also died in that fatal crash.

Elizabeth Sharp Hawthorn was born in Glasgow in November, 1918, the daughter of Samuel Hawthorn (1890 – 1931) and Christina Sharp (1893 – 1966).

In November, 1947 she was added to the Scottish Roll of Midwives, and was resident at 30 Newington Street, Glasgow.

By 1968 E. S. Hawthorn was listed in the Hospitals & Health Services Year Book under Dr Thomas Fergus Stewart as one of the senior figures at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital.


Memorial Address, given by Dr. Llewelyn Ralph Twentyman, at the Memorial Service commemorating those who died in the aircraft disaster. Held at the church of St. George the Martyr, Queen Square, London W.C.1, on Thursday, 29 June, 1972. Printed in the British Homeopathic Journal vol. 61, no. 3 (July, 1972), pages 130-133:

THE MATRON of the Scottish Hospital, Elizabeth Hawthorn, I have heard how much her presence and personality brought to the well-being of the Hospital in Glasgow. All our world was represented on this plane, Pharmacy and Nursing as well as Physician.