Mark Pattison. Image credit:
William Tuckwell, Reminiscences of Oxford
Mark Pattison (10 October 1813 – 30 July 1884) was an English author and a Church of England priest. He served as rector of Lincoln College, Oxford.
Mark Pattison’s writing was published by John Chapman, and from 1855 until 1863, Pattison became the editor of the theological section of Chapman’s Westminster Review. From 1855 until 1859, John Chapman published major articles in the Westminster Review by Pattison.
Pattison was a friend of author and critic Edmund William Gosse.
Mark Pattison was the son of the rector of Hauxwell, Yorkshire, and was privately educated by his father, Mark James Pattison. His sister was Dorothy Wyndlow Pattison “Sister Dora“.
In 1832 he matriculated at Oriel College, Oxford, where he took his B.A. degree in 1836 with second class honours. After other attempts to obtain a fellowship, he was elected in 1839 to a Yorkshire fellowship at Lincoln, an anti Puseyite College. Pattison was at this time a Puseyite, and greatly under the influence of John Henry Newman, for whom he worked, helping in the translation of Thomas Aquinas‘s Catena Aurea, and writing in the British Critic and Christian Remembrancer.
He was ordained priest in 1843, and in the same year became tutor of Lincoln College, where he rapidly made a reputation as a clear and stimulating teacher and as a sympathetic friend of youth. The management of the college was practically in his hands, and his reputation as a scholar became high in the university.
In 1851 the rectorship of Lincoln became vacant, and it seemed certain that Pattison would be elected, but he was edged out. The disappointment was acute and his health suffered. In 1855 he resigned the tutorship, travelled to Germany to investigate Continental systems of education, and began his researches into the lives of Isaac Casaubon and Joseph Justus Scaliger, which occupied the remainder of his life.
In 1861 he was at last elected rector of Lincoln, marrying in the same year Emily Francis Strong (afterwards Lady Dilke). As rector, he contributed largely to various reviews on literary subjects, and took a considerable interest in social science, even presiding over a section at a congress in 1876.
However, he avoided the routine of university business, and refused the vice chancellorship. But while living the life of a student, he was fond of society, and especially of the society of women. He died at Harrogate, Yorkshire.
His biography of Isaac Casaubon appeared in 1875; he also wrote about John Milton in Macmillan’s English Men of Letters series in 1879. The 18th century, alike in its literature and its theology, was a favourite study, as is illustrated by his contribution (Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750) to the once famous Essays and Reviews (1860), and by his edition of Pope‘s Essay on Man (1869), etc. His Sermons and Collected Essays, edited by Henry Nettleship, were published posthumously (1889), as well as the Memoirs (1885), an autobiography deeply tinged with melancholy and bitterness. His projected Life of Scaliger was never finished.
Of interest:
John Pattison MD FRMSL (1818 – 1876) – no relation – was a British orthodox physician and cancer specialist, affiliated with New York University from 1841 – 1844, who converted to homeopathy.
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