Matthias Marenzeller – Lithograph by Antonín Machek. Image credit: Wellcome Collection
Matthias Marenzeller/Marenzellar M.D. (15 February 1765 – 6 January 1854) was an Austrian orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy, a contemporary and friend of Samuel Hahnemann, he was one of the first practicing Homeopaths in Bohemia just five years after the Organon was first published (1810), and in 1821, Marenzeller introduced homeopathy into Italy.
Marenzeller was physician in general to the Austrian armies and personal physician to His Imperial Highness Archduke John of Austria (1782 – 1859).
“The Emperor of Austria was cured of his stab by a homeopath, Dr. Marenzeller of Vienna, after the regular Physicians had said that his brain & eyesight were seriously affected and that he would never again be equal to the cares of state… I ought to add that the Emperor of Austria was cured by Arnica… (Swedenborg Archive K124 [b] Letter dated 13.3.1855 from Garth Wilkinson to James John Wilkinson senior.
In 1816 Marenzeller was the first person to introduce Homeopathy into a hospital, the Invalidovna in Prague, and he was also chiefly responsible for introducing homeopathy into Austria.
In 1828 Marenzellar was invited to demonstrate the efficacy of homeopathy in clinical trials at the Josephinum academy of military medicine in Vienna. Marenzeller conducted these first clinical trials of homeopathy and he undertook provings and administered Cuprum and Veratrum Album to 150,000 patients in Vienna, thereby preventing them from catching Cholera. Marenzeller’s results were identical to 80,000 patients treated in Hungary and Poland.
The Habsburg Emperor, Francis I, was reported to have been impressed with the results of the trials and Marenzeller himself relocated permanently from Prague to Vienna the following year where he opened a thriving and lucrative private practice.
Marenzeller was one of only two homeopaths (the other was Christian Theodore Herrmann) to conduct State clinical trials on homeopathy across Europe.
It was Marenzeller who persuaded Austrian Field Marshal Prince Karl Philipp Schwarzenberg to visit Samuel Hahnemann.
Marenzeller was the homeopathic physician of Niccolo Paganini and of Prince Solms, the husband of Countess Kinsky of Vienna whose family were all adherents of homeopathy. He was also physician to the wife of Klemens Wenzel Prince von Metternich, Count Gyulay, and Archduke Johann of Austria, and he taught Joseph Attomyr.
Marenzeller was not in the least disconcerted by the fact that homeopathy became prohibited in 1819 in the Austrian ‘Erbländer’ (hereditary lands). He was, after all, personal physician to Archduke Johann of Austria. In 1829, he moved to Vienna where, until his death, he kept a flourishing practice.
Marenzeller was a contemporary of Samuel Hahnemann. He was connected with the first homeopathic experiments, performed by order of the emperor, in the military hospital at Vienna.
Marenzeller received the doctor degree in 1788, and became a regimental physician and a professor. In 1815 he became a convert to the doctrines of Samuel Hahnemann, but still remained in the army and held his post as Staff Surgeon for many years after his conversion.
He was appointed by the Archduke Johann of Austria his physician in ordinary, which appointment he held until his decease. While attending to his military duties in Prague at the invalid hospital he was also investigating Homeopathy.
In 1823, we went with the Illustrious Karl Philipp Schwarzenberg, from Vienna to Leipzig, where the General was placed under the care of Samuel Hahnemann, and where Marenzeller assisted in the treatment, and where he remained until the death of the Karl Philipp Schwarzenberg. Pierre Augustus Rapou says that the introduction of Homeopathy into Austria is due to Marenzeller.
Count Gyulay, Commanding General and Field Marshal, claimed the professional attentions of the Homeopathic Military Surgeon Marenzeller for a painful cardialgia considered incurable, and from which he had suffered many years. The malady yielded promptly to homeopathic treatment.
Marenzeller, wishing to aid the general interests of the homeopathic school, refused the most generous fee of the general, demanding from him as an only recompense to ask from the emperor a more liberal policy regarding Homeopathy, which method had been before this time very harshly treated by the government.
The Emperor, struck by the prompt cure of Count Gyulay, with the petition and the conduct of the physician, decided to determine the value of this new system by a series of public experiments. The choice of the physician to conduct. them naturally fell upon Marenzeller. He was the most suitable; forty years in practice, during all which time he had been head of a large military hospital, for ten years having used homeopathic medicine, he presented all the conditions requisite for experiment to be confided to him.
It was a delicate affair, for upon its success depended the introduction of Homeopathy in Austria, and it was necessary to conciliate and make friendly the authorities. The emperor sent him a personal letter, and clinical experiments were commenced in the Garrison Hospital at Vienna.
Dr. Marenzeller was not allowed to publish an account of these experiments, but J Schmidt kept an accurate account of them, which account he gave to Samuel Hahnemann, who sent it with some remarks to the Archiv, v. 10, pt. 2, p. 73.
A ward containing twelve beds was set apart in the Chief Garrison Hospital at Vienna. A commission of twelve professors of Joseph’s Academy, with the Chief Staff Surgeon, Dr. von Isfordink, at its head, was appointed to watch the experiments.
The ward was provided with a homeopathic pharmacy, and a library of homeopathic books to consult in uncertainty. Two regimental, two superior and two inferior surgeons were appointed, whose sole duty it was to see that the orders of the homeopathic physician were carried out.
Special nurses were appointed. A special kitchen was set apart for the preparation of food for the homeopathic patients, and there was a cook who had been especially instructed in preparing food according to the homeopathic regimen. The surgeons kept watch night and day, in order that nothing should be given to the patients but what the homeopathic physicians ordered. Most of the patients were taken in as new patients, though there a few who had been in the other wards.
Dr. Marenzeller paid a visit every morning and evening at fixed hours, and each time two professors from the Joseph Academy were present. Each two of the professorial commission acted for ten days, when two more replaced them. This clinic opened on April 2, 1828, and lasted for forty days, during which forty two patients were treated. Many medical visitors were usually present at each visit.
At each visit the patients were examined and the result was entered word for word in a book. The diagnosis and prognosis were made by Dr. Marenzeller and the members of the commission respectively. Dr. Marenzeller then made the prescription, gave directions for diet, and all this was entered in the book and subscribed to by the members of the commission.
This took place with every patient and at every visit. The medicine prescribed was always given in the presence of the commissioners. Even other precautions were taken for a fair trial. Dr. Schmidt took notes at each visit, and these are the notes that were published.
In all, forty three patients were admitted. Four by the homeopathic physician; nine by the commissioners; twenty nine from new admissions to the hospital; one came back in consequence of a relapse; thirty two were cured; one died; five were transferred to other wards.
When the experiment ceased five were uncured, but improving. The judgment of the commission of inquiry consisting of the twelve professors of allopathic medicine was:
“The experiments terminated in such a way as to make it impossible to say that they were in favor of or against Homeopathy.”
See Archiv f. hom. Heilkunst, vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 73. The British Journal of Homomeopathy, vol. 12, p. 320. Pierre Augustus Rapou, vol. 1, p. 238. Trans. World’s Conv., vol. 2, p. 200.)
The closing of this clinic was brought about by four convicts, who were told that they were brought there to be experimented upon. They offered active resistance and induced other patients to do the same. While the trial was in progress, Dr. Marenzeller was given an audience by the emperor, who received him kindly and expressed satisfaction at the results of the experiments, of which he received daily reports.
That Marenzeller was himself satisfied with his success is shown by the fact that he left a very lucrative practice in Prague and removed to Vienna in 1829. He is said to have been overwhelmed with patients from morning till late at night and died at his post.
The results of these experiments were not allowed to be published in the Austrian journals, but they were published May 27 and June 6, 1828, in the Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, and also in a German political journal of more extended circulation.
In 1835, the Austrian Emperor died, and it was said that his death was hastened by too profuse blood letting. His brother, the Archduke Antoine, died of the same inflammatory affection, also with profuse blood letting.
The Archduke Johann of Austria, called the Nimrod of Steyermark, being also taken ill, declared that he would have a physician of the school that did not believe in bleeding. Marenzeller was called. The contrast between this treatment and that of the others made a great impression upon the Court, and the progress of Homeopathy was given new impulsion and the number of its practitioners increased sensibly.
Pierre Augustus Rapou, who visited the principal countries of Europe in 1846, has told us much about the early homeopathists in his Histoire de la Doctrine Médicale Homoeopathique.
He says: “The old Marenzeller, whom I had seen in 1832 (when he travelled through Germany with his father), is constantly occupied in Vienna with a very large practice. Two carriages are alternately in service daily, which hardly suffice to take him to his numerous patients. What should inspire with such ardor a man for a long time possessed of reputation, riches and honors, be it not the charm of a truth so long persecuted?
“For Marenzeller could not deny that his long experience and his practical talent had formed a solid track for exact Homeopathy. He is faithful to the old precepts, except in the matter of some slight details. Just as he received it from Samuel Hahnemann, so is he conservative. He held aloof from the discussions of his colleagues, but his name and his opinions were made the object of harsh and unjust criticisms from these pretended reformers.
“They thought it an injury to the new art to thus exaggerate its principles, and to put an obstacle to its development in thus servilely following the footsteps of Samuel Hahnemann.
“Marenzeller did not seek to defend his doctrines; he had found in the works of Samuel Hahnemann a logical method; he had, in the hospital experiments, made a fair and successful trial and now accepted exact Homeopathy.
“During his stay in Vienna Marenzeller was appointed personal physician to the Archduke Johann of Austria, a title which gave him a position in the court”.
Dr. Marenzeller died on January 6, 1854, at Vienna, in his 90th year.
The British Journal contains the following: “On the 6th of January, of the present year, this veteran homeopathist died. Unlike most of those whose deaths we have recently recorded, Dr. Marenzeller attained a very great age. He had completed his 90th year when he was removed from among us.
“He was thus a contemporary of Samuel Hahnemann, being only eight years the junior of our illustrious Master. The name of Marenzeller is intimately connected with the history of Homeopathy, more especially in the Austrian dominions, and yet Dr. Marenzeller was no great writer. His celebrity is chiefly owing to his connection with the first homeopathic experiments, performed by order of the emperor, in the military hospital at Vienna.
“At 21 years of age Marenzeller was a regimental physician and professor. In 1815 he became a convert to the doctrines of Samuel Hahnemann; but, nevertheless, he remained in the army, and held the post of staff surgeon for many years after his conversion.
“He was appointed by the Archduke Johann of Austria, formerly Regent of Germany, to be his physician in ordinary, which appointment he continued to hold till his decease.
Our opponents are constantly in the habit of referring to the experiments of Andral as being a complete refutation of the pretended efficacy of Homeopathy. Now these experiments, if they deserve that name, were performed by a man totally ignorant of Homeopathy, in defiance of Samuel Hahnemann‘s rules, and with a carelessness and presumption perfectly inexcusable in a man of Andral’s reputation.
“The merest tyro in Homeopathy would have been ashamed to call such practice Homeopathy. And yet these experiments, which we reject with scorn, and which have been over and over again shown to he deficient in every element that could constitute them illustrations of homeopathic practice, are the stalking horse of all the opponents of Homeopathy, and their ready excuse for not taking the trouble to enquire experimentally into the truth or falsity of our assertions relative to the superiority of the system we practice.
“On the other hand, the real homeopathic experiments performed by Dr. Marenzeller, under every condition that a watchful jealousy could suggest, in order to assure their genuine homeopathic character, and with all the accompanying pride, pomp, and circumstance of imperial royal decrees, commissions, protocols, daily roisters, weekly bulletins, and solemn reports, are never now referred to the ipse dixit of Andral, as to the unsuccessful issue of his own experiments in an art of which he was utterly ignorant, being held to be more conclusive than the deliberate report of a commission appointed by the Austrian Government to inquire into the practice of Homeopathy by a homeopathic physician.
“As we believe no account of Dr. Marenzeller’s experiments has as yet peen published in English, we take the opportunity suggested to us by the death of the principal actor in connexion with these experiments, to give a succinct account of them, drawn from the official documents and the testimony of impartial and honourable eyewitnesses.
“These records are contained in various volumes of the Archiv für Hom. Heilkunst. These homeopathic experiments were, as will be hereafter seen, conducted by order of the Government, with every precaution that could secure fair play to the homeopathist during their performance.
“A daily record of the cases treated was kept by the medical commissioners appointed to watch the treatment. But two mistakes were committed by the Government. One was, that it was not made a condition that these records should be published.
“The consequence of this oversight was, that the reports of the commissioners were kept secret, and it is only by accident that that of the two commissioners who were appointed to follow the treatment during the third ten days of its continuance (for the commissioners appointed to watch the treatment were changed every ten days) has seen the light.
“This report fell into the hands of Joseph Attomyr after the death of one of the commissioners, and was published by him in the 18th vol of the Archiv, twelve years after the experiments had been made.
“The other mistake made by the Government was, that the hostile Allopathic faculty of the Academy of Medicine were constituted he judges of the success to reverse of the treatment The consequence of this error was that the bald judgment of the faculty was alone issued, and the facts on which this judgment was framed were withheld by them.
“The deliberate judgment of the faculty; consisting of twelve professors of allopathic medicine, was as follows: “The experiments terminated in such a way as to make it impossible to say that they were in favour or, or against Homeopathy.”
“Had the experiments turned out unfavorably for Homeopathy, it is to be presumed the faculty would have been too happy, not only to say so, but to prove the truth of their accusation by publishing the reports of their professors.
“And even had the experiments warranted the judgment given, it is but natural not suppose that the faculty would for their own sakes have published the facts in order to justify their conduct. The publication of such a verdict without any corroborative facts, naturally makes us suspect that the facts did not warrant the conclusion nominally drawn from them, that in a word the experiments were more favourable to the new system than is implied in the words of the judgment.
“Two out of twelve judges dissented from the verdict recorded. The one, Professor Zang, from his own observation of the cases treated during ten days, cause to the conclusion that the facts showed Homeopathy to be perfectly powerless – the other, Professor Zimmermann, was so convinced of the contrary, that he confessed himself forced to acknowledge that Homeopathy had a real power over disease, and from that day he set himself to study the principles and practice of Samuel Hahnemann‘s system, and became a zealous partisan of Homeopathy.
“We are not however left to depend entirely on the fragmentary report of the two commissioners for the knowledge of Dr. Marenzeller’s experiments. Although he himself was precluded from publishing an account of them, a careful record of the cases was kept by Dr. J Schmit of Vienna, who attended every visit from the beginning to the end of the treatment, and who communicated the results of his observations to Samuel Hahnemann, by whom they were handed to the Editor of the Archiv for publication….
“Altogether we cannot help remarking in the report of these illustrious professors, a tendency to dwell upon the slighter cases, and an attempt to prove their recovery to be little, if at all, connected with the administration of the medicine ; and on the other hand, we notice that they slur over the more serious diseases treated by Dr. Marenzeller.
“If the reports of all the commissioners were of a similar character, it is little wonder that a prejudiced academy of allopathic professors should not give a verdict favourable to Homeopathy founded on such records: the fact of their verdict not being adverse to Homeopathy, speaks to our mind greatly in favour of the homeopathic treatment of Dr. Marenzeller, as it shows that all the ingenuity of the inimical reporters could not pervert the results of the treatment into the basis of a judgment by a hostile faculty unfavourable to Homeopathy.
“As far as Dr. Marenzeller’s experiments in the presence of the allopaths went, they are undoubtedly much more favourable to the claims of Homeopathy than the reverse. The only tenable ground possessed by the commission for their neutral verdict is, that the experiments were not carried on for a sufficient length of time, and did not extend over a sufficient number of patients, to enable them to decide very positively as to the influence of the treatment adopted.
“But who is to blame for this? Certainly not Dr. Marenzeller, who was perfectly willing to continue with the treatment for any length of time. The time for continuing the trial was originally fixed at sixty days (a short enough time , assuredly), but it was suddenly interrupted, after only forty days had elapsed, by order of the government (doubtless at the instigation of the official allopaths).
“However, these homeopathic experiments have not been without their influence on the progress of Homeopathy in Vienna; and we believe they mainly contributed to induce the government to repeal the laws that had been passed against Homeopathy in Austria, and are partly the cause of the rapid spread of our system in Vienna, and of the favour now shown to our practice by the governing bodies of that city.
Joseph Attomyr thus speaks of him:
“Homeopathy has lost in the beginning of this year one of its most active practitioners, who out of his medical career of 66 years had devoted to it 49 years exclusively and with enthusiastic zeal.
“Long before this a monument ought to have been erected in this journal to this worthy; I undertake it yet before the close of the year.
“Staff Surgeon Dr. Matthias Marenzeller was born of poor parents in Pettau, Styria, February 15th, 1765. After completing his gymnasial studies in Marburg and his philosophic studies at Gratz, he went to Vienna to study medicine.
“Marenzeller must have been an excellent student as he lectured even before his graduation in the general hospital, while he was only so years old, as Instructor (Privat docent) on Anatomy and Surgical Operations. As the Josephs Academy was being founded just about this time, Marenzeller determined to pass through its academic course, and at its conclusion, on the 15th of August, 1788, he was granted his diploma as Doctor.
“In the same year he was appointed regimental surgeon. As such he went through the war with Turkey, and was appointed in 1813, field officer in charge of the Italian hospitals, after having been married the year before to Miss Francisca Lechky.
“Five years after the appearance of the Organon, in the year 1815, Marenzeller began his study of Homeopathy, his restless medical skepticism having driven him from one medical system to the other.
“He was the first man in the Austrian States who professed the doctrine of Samuel Hahnemann. He who knows the position of the Austrian field surgeons at that time will acknowledge that it required unusual courage to make such a profession. Besides this, in 1815 there had not been as yet anything published but the Organon, the Fragmenta de virib. med. p., and a single volume of the Materia Medica Pura.
“With the aid of these three volumes Marenzeller began to make experiments. A physician must find his curative method very wretched, if it can be surrendered to take up an embryonal method of cure, the whole library of which consists of three books – Chorion, Allantois, Amuion.
“It is not a small compliment to the acumen of Marenzeller, that he could see from even this wretched cradle of homeopathic literature that it contained the germ of a great truth, a truth which, as he lived to see and feel, should enkindle the whole medical world even to fury and should shake its reign of thousands of years even to its foundations; a truth for the acknowledgment of which no physician in the Austrian states has done more than Marenzeller.
“With 32 homeopathic remedies only imperfectly proved as yet, Staff Surgeon Marenzeller gained such successful results within a year in Prague, whither he had been transferred in 1816, that his name and his strange method of healing had become known in a large circle, by the one party raised to heaven, by the other dragged down into the dust.
“In the course of the next Decennium, several physicians of Austria, especially in Vienna, had imitated his example: Friedrich Edmund Peithner Ritter von Lichtenfels, Regimental Surgeon Mueller, Loewe, Vrecha, A Schmidt, Menz, Schaeffer, Johann Emanuel Veith and others studied Homeopathy with enthusiasm, and practiced it with great success, in spite of all the persecution of the medical faculty, the Josephs Academy and the police, which were especially able to interfere on account. of their dispensing their own medicine.
“That the success of Marenzeller and of the homeopathic physicians then in Vienna must have caused an excitement may be concluded from this, that in 1828, by command of the Emperor, an experiment was ordered to be made at the Josephs Academy. It had been intended, indeed, to make two trials. By the first trial, which was appointed to be made for 60 days, it should only be found out whether Homeopathy could accomplish anything at all.
“By a second series of experiments the extent and importance of its performance should be determined. But the second experiment was never made, and even the first was terminated 20 days earlier than the time first set, owing to the orders of the higher authorities.
“Staff Surgeon Marenzeller had been ordered from Prague to Vienna on account of these experiments. One might suppose that Marenzeller felt very ill at ease, and that any one who would undertake such a ticklish business would have to have “Robur et aes triplex circa pectus.”
“Nevertheless, I can assure the reader that he undertook these experiments with joy and full confidence; for when I spoke with him about the matter, several years later, he answered laughing: “I would even have undertaken the contest, and would have felt confident of the result, if they had made the condition that I should treat all my patients with nothing but sugar of milk; for I had long ago become convinced that much more favorable results would be obtained by not giving the patient any treatment than by treating them allopathically; this I had become convinced of as early as the war with Turkey.”
“Nevertheless, even with this conviction, it was not an easy matter to defend a curative method in a medical college, which differed in every direction, even down to the soup to be supplied to the patients, from this method, while the conflict should decide that either the new system should be discredited or the old system annihilated.
“To have carried on this conflict under circumstances which in part were very unfavorable to a victorious issue and to the glory of the new method, was a matter for which our deceased friend deserves all honor and we all owe him thanks; for the manifestly thereby opened the way for Homeopathy in the Austrian states.
“Marenzeller during these experiments cured nine inflammatory diseases of the severer grade with his remedies, simply after Prof. Zang had given the worst prognosis unless blood letting should be resorted to; when they were, nevertheless, cured Zang would always exclaim: “How much can nature accomplish!”
“The patients were in every way prepossessed against the homeopathic treatment, so that one pneumonia patient, frightened by these malevolent insinuations, was about to kill himself; according to the demand of Marenzeller, all physicians who were not officially connected with the experiments were excluded.
“When finally Marenzeller had lost only one patient out of 43, the authorities suddenly found out that these experiments amounted to playing with men’s lives, and the homeopathic clinic was suddenly and abruptly closed.
“Of the twelve professors of the academy, who had now to give their judgment as to these experiments, Prof. Zimmermann declared in favor of Homeopathy, Zang declared himself decidedly opposed to it, and the others remained neutral.
“But Marenzeller laughed, well satisfied, for he knew well why the experiments had been stopped. As to the judgment of the Vienna public concerning these experiments, it suffices to say that from this time on Marenzeller’s office in Kaernthnerstrasse was full of patients from early morning till late in the evening, and that Marenzeller had the most extensive practice in Vienna, and had literally no time left him for his meals.
“From this time on Marenzeller remained in Vienna and was pensioned at his own request. Although the prohibition of Homeopathy issued in 1818 was not yet repealed, Archduke Johann appointed him his physician in ordinary, and most of Marenzeller’s patients belonged to the first houses in Vienna. His practice was so extensive that he every day tired out four horses.
“After he had driven about, making calls from 7 A. M. to 3 P. M., when he came house he would find the rooms full of patients. With these he would spend several hours, then at 5pm he would take a hurried dinner and would again drive out to visit patients. (During one such hasty dinner the poor man swallowed a chicken bone which kept him in anguish for 36 hours).
“Late in the evening when he would return home at 9 or 9:30, he would again find patients waiting for him; and thus he went one day after day for fully twenty five years, till he had reached a good old age. During his last years his son aided him as his assistant.
“Marenzeller died January 6th, 1854, in the 89th year of his life. A year before his death he had to give up his practice, because the most vivid visions tormented his spirit and in the last weeks of his life, through their ever increasing frequency and duration, they exhausted him so much that he would swoon away. To these were added considerable ulcerations on his back and along his spine, which became gangrenous and hastened his heath.
“In the last year of his life Marenzeller applied for a patent of nobility in Austria. His request was only granted when he was already dead, and it is reported that by the grace of the Emperor this distinction is to be transferred to the children of Marenzeller.
“Marenzeller was tall and slender of figure, with strongly marked features and hasty in his movements; he was never seen walking slowly: in going up stairs, he would mostly take two steps at a time, even when he was quite old.
“His health and his body could endure much, and not often has a mail who continually underwent such hardships almost reached his 90th year. His manner of living was always sober and simple. He usually ate only once a day and would drive out without a breakfast to see his patients at 7 o’clock, summer and winter. He never drank coffee or wine, very seldom a little beer, but all be more water. Of this he would drink in the morning hours 1/4 bottles “to dilute his bile.”
“In all seasons of the year he would rise at 5:30 A. M. He knew the names of very few of his patients, but every patient had a number and at his next visit be would present himself with his number; most of his letters to his patients were headed with a number instead of a name.
“His hostility to Allopathy and its representatives he exhibited openly every occasion. In his ante room there were hung pictures which ridiculed Allopathy, and especially the evacuative method. He never visited parties or theaters; card playing he hated. Even to his family he could not devote an hour a day, and he had often to think a while before he could remember the names of his grandchildren.
“As a physician Marenzeller had rare success, and his patients had an immovable confidence in his practical tact. Although friendly and kindly in his intercourse, he would not stand much on ceremony even with the noblest patients. He had a stupendous memory, which was a great advantage in his study of the materia medica.
“In many respects Marenzeller was an original character. In conversation he was very rhapsodical; he would jump from one subject to the other, and would be very apt after several days to take up a conversation where he had left off. He favorite authors were Jean Paul and Lavater. In Jean Paul’s works he every where suspected a masked cynicalness, and asserted that J. Paul fooled the whole world. Marenzeller was too much a man of activity to find time for literary work; nevertheless among the manuscripts he left behind him there are also writings of a practical nature: as also his synopsis of constitutions, which is well known to the physicians of Vienna.
“We hope that the son of Dr. Marenzeller, our colleague, Dr. Adolph Marenzeller, may publish what is most important of this posthumous treasure.
“The oldest Homeopaths of Austria will think of Marenzeller with love and sadness, for he ever was to them in those troublous times of medical inquisition a faithful friend and colleague. The younger colleagues will remember for a long time to come the memorable challenge which he readily accepted and carried through victoriously in the very camp of his enemies to serve Homeopathy and its adherents; while thousands of patients, who owe to him their health and life, will lovingly bless his memory”.
World’s Conv. 2., 199-235. Brit. Journal Hom., vol. 12, p. 320 ; Kleinert, pp. 109, 142, 165, 260 ; All. hom. Zeit., vol. 47, p 96 ; vol. 49, p. 54, Pierre Augustus Rapou, vol, 1, pp. 244, 256, 277, etc.; vol, 2, p, 243, etc.)
Of Interest:
Adolph Edlen von Marenzeller M.D. (17 December 1820 – 26 February 1907) followed his father in becoming a homeopathic physician. Adolph, in turn, was the father of German zoologist, Emil von Marenzeller (1845 – 1918).
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